March 22, 2018

New Goal

I am back and ready to feel the spirit that gratitude brings into my life.  I am going to post daily.  My goal is also to have at least one post a week with pictures as well.  Well here goes...

1.  I am grateful for butterflies.  This fall season we have had an abundance of beautiful butterflies, more than I recall the past two years.  I am really enjoying them.

2.  I am grateful for a husband who tries.  After some conflicts regarding scheduling he asked me to see if I could set up reminders for him off my calendar, as he put it make technology work for him.  I hope it works, but even if it does not I am grateful for him trying.

The Natural World

 Kyle - Penguins they just make me happy MiKell -  Zachary -  Eric - Wendy - Hyrum - Sabrina -