November 18, 2010


I am grateful that I enjoy organizing, why?
1. It is one of the only ways I actually get any cleaning done.
2. It makes me feel like I'm doing something productive.

November 17, 2010


I am grateful for. . .
1. Zachary's ability to play and pretend.
2. Wendy's ability to go to sleep quickly and quietly.
3. Eric's ability to go potty in the toilet.
4. Kyle's ability to work and love me.
5. My ability to see good things in my family.

November 15, 2010


Well, notice has been posted that Fast won the bid pending negotiations. It is pretty exciting.
1. I'm grateful that Kyle is so excited to have change.
2. I'm grateful Kyle does such a great job at his work.
3. I'm grateful we will be able to travel home sometimes.

The Natural World

 Kyle - Penguins they just make me happy MiKell -  Zachary -  Eric - Wendy - Hyrum - Sabrina -