May 28, 2011


I am grateful for people who sacrificed things in order that I can live as I do today.
1. Men and Women who fight for our freedom. Today we visited Vicksburg battle field. It was entertaining and made me grateful.
2. Joseph Smith and the early saints. The boys are doing the scripture and talk tomorrow in Primary, it is about the restored church.
3. My Savior. This of course is the biggest sacrifice. I am grateful for it, my knowledge of it, and my testimony of how it should affect my life.

May 23, 2011

what I'm NOT grateful for...

I am not grateful for...
1. My lack of patience
2. Children who do not respond unless I raise my voice (this is most likely because they know that they do not have to until it is raised)
3. A husband who forgot our anniversary

So what does that lead to in gratitude
1. I have this life to work on being more patient.
2. I have wonderfully active children who love to play.
3. I have a husband who loves me, provides for me, and supports me.

The Natural World

 Kyle - Penguins they just make me happy MiKell -  Zachary -  Eric - Wendy - Hyrum - Sabrina -