July 16, 2011

talking and laughing

I am grateful for:
1.  The entertainment that comes from Wendy and her talking.
2.  Hyrum's smile and laugh.

July 14, 2011


I am grateful that
1.  I forgot that I had unloaded the dishwasher yesterday, so when I went to do the dishes it was already half done.
2.  Children forget the injustices that a parent puts upon them quickly and they forgive and love so easily.

July 13, 2011


I am grateful for
1.  my love of swimming
2.  not having to watch Zachary today while swimming,
3.  Eric wanting to swim out to me numerous times
4.  Wendy getting the hang of her water wings, and having plenty of other mothers willing to help
5.  Hyrum sleeping through much of play group, but when he was awake he liked the water.

July 12, 2011

Success and Shelter

I am grateful for
1. Zachary's hard work at swimming lessons and his success.
2.  Hyrum learning to roll over
3.  Shelter, both physical and spiritual.

July 10, 2011

This and that

What am I grateful for today?
1.  Naps
2.  Babies
3.  Smiles
4.  The sound of Rain
5.  Coloring

The Natural World

 Kyle - Penguins they just make me happy MiKell -  Zachary -  Eric - Wendy - Hyrum - Sabrina -