November 3, 2016

Need for a Gratitude Attitude

i am in need of a gratitude attitude.  Although I see things around me that are tender mercies of the Lord I tend to forget them quickly.  I want to again start listing things for which I am grateful each day.  I am hoping this will help me 1. keep an optimistic outlook on life  2. be able to better control my temper and patience and 3. allow the spirit to be more fully in my life. 

I am grateful today for
1.  Visitors: the Ueki's have been visitng this week and although I have not spent a lot of time with them I have thoroughly enjoyed having them here.  It is nice to talk to another adult.  I keep the house cleaner.  The kids have someone to play with.

2.  A clean home:  As stated above the house is clean and it definitely makes it easier to be a home.


The Natural World

 Kyle - Penguins they just make me happy MiKell -  Zachary -  Eric - Wendy - Hyrum - Sabrina -