May 15, 2018

Imagining Help

I am grateful for.

Being able to help my kids with their homework.

Having a little girl who sings and imagines.

May 4, 2018

Self-Reliance and Songs

I am grateful for:
1.  My self reliance class about starting education in the home.  It has given me some great ideas, now I just need to implement them.

2.  Children that sing.  I love hearing popular, primary, and pretend songs coming from my children.

May 3, 2018

It's hard

It has been hard to write two things each day, not because it is hard to find things to be grateful for , but because I am not on the computer, and simply forget.
So today I am grateful for:
1.  Faith in God program.  I love being surrounded by young people who are full of excitement.
2.  Material.  I have so much of it and since we are looking to move I am sewing and sewing and enjoying it.

April 22, 2018

My Body

I am grateful for:
Doctors who are there to help.
A body that works (most of the time)

April 21, 2018


I ma grateful for Sundays!  Why?
1.  I usually take a nap.
2.  I am able to fill my spiritual bucket for the week.
3.  My kids go to primary or YM and I get some time to learn on my own.
4.  I partake of the sacrament.

April 15, 2018


I looks like we will be leaving this winter/summer depending on which hemisphere you are in.  I am grateful for some concrete news.
1.  Looks like end of July
2.  Most likely Indiana

April 12, 2018


I am super grateful for heaters.  It has been a cold last couple of days, and I love being able to heat a room and find a warm place to cuddle up.

April 11, 2018

Teachers and Blankets

I am grateful for:
Teachers.  They play such a role in the lives of my children and I am grateful for their sacrifices and support.
Blankets.  The last couple of days have been cold and our house is not well insulated, so I am grateful for blankets.

April 5, 2018

Flights and Book of Mormon

I am grateful for...

Having flights to the US.  It means the vacation is one step closer.

The Book of Mormon, Faith in God was today and we learned about the Book of Mormon.

April 2, 2018

Relaxing and Laundry Help

Today I am grateful for:

A relaxed day, no fighting, no appointments, just simple relaxing.

A washer and dryer.  My life would be hard without them.

March 31, 2018

Beautiful Weather

Today after not feeling well physically and then mentally I am grateful for.

A gorgeous day where I could walk to help me feel better.

The beautiful sunshine that helps me remember my Savior.

March 28, 2018

Sewing - Trips

Today I am grateful for...

My sewing machine which allows me to create and relieve stress.
The joy of preparing a trip.

March 26, 2018


I am grateful for...

A husband who rubbed/tickled my back last night.  It was just what I needed to relax and stop my mind from running rampant.  whoop, whoop!

WOOP a meal in a box program where three meals a week ingredients and recipes are given to me.  It has helped me provide better rounded meals for the family.

March 25, 2018


I am grateful for:

Feeling Ugh, because it means when I feel Ahh! it will be noticeable.
Eric making it to camp safely.

March 24, 2018

Singing - Orange

I am grateful for...

The ability to sing.  I love the enjoyment I get from doing so and the spirit it brings to others as well as the compliments from others.

My new orange dress, it makes me feel young.

March 23, 2018

Future and shopping

I am grateful for a husband concerned about our finances and taking care of us now and for the future.

I am grateful for a shopping trip with Wendy and Eric this afternoon.

March 22, 2018

New Goal

I am back and ready to feel the spirit that gratitude brings into my life.  I am going to post daily.  My goal is also to have at least one post a week with pictures as well.  Well here goes...

1.  I am grateful for butterflies.  This fall season we have had an abundance of beautiful butterflies, more than I recall the past two years.  I am really enjoying them.

2.  I am grateful for a husband who tries.  After some conflicts regarding scheduling he asked me to see if I could set up reminders for him off my calendar, as he put it make technology work for him.  I hope it works, but even if it does not I am grateful for him trying.

The Natural World

 Kyle - Penguins they just make me happy MiKell -  Zachary -  Eric - Wendy - Hyrum - Sabrina -