September 24, 2011

Relief Society Conference

I am grateful for what I learned.
1.  Hyrum is a wonderful baby
2.  Five things to not forget!!
3.  I need to repent daily

September 23, 2011

The V's = Volunteering and Visiting Teaching

I am grateful for
1.  The opportunity to read to Zachary's class.
2.  Visiting Teaching, particularly Ashley Asay and her devotion to the gospel.

September 21, 2011

Tender Mercies

Tender Mercies received in the past few days
1.  A neighbor, Carla Hayes, willing to pick up Zachary from school.
2.  Kyle not having to work quite as much.
3.  Catching Mandy at home, or coming home.
4.  the kids keeping the house semi-clean.
5.  Hyrum getting back to his sleeping through the night schedule.

September 18, 2011


I am grateful for grace!!!
1.  It allows me to return to my father in heaven.
2.  It allows my family to be there with me.
3.  It helps me on a daily basis to be better if I just try.

The Natural World

 Kyle - Penguins they just make me happy MiKell -  Zachary -  Eric - Wendy - Hyrum - Sabrina -